When you work for a small development shop you can count on the fact that you won't be spending your time solely researching wieters jersey and writing grants. The logical thinking is if you can write grants, you can write other
With the exception of rewriting web pages, the other activities I did involved sending e-mails in some form wieters jersey or another. However, since e-mail is such a ubiquitous part of everyday life its utility as a fundraising tool is overlooked.
?If you haven't given this much thought, keep reading. If you're doing this now, give yourself a pat on the back―and keep reading because there may be some tips you can use to make your fundraising e-mails even better.
Why the special attention to e-mail?
According to research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, "Search and email remain the two online activities that are nearly universal among adult internet users, as 92% of online adults use search engines to find information on the Web, and a similar number (92%) use email." Furthermore, "roughly six in ten online adults engage in each of these activities on a typical day…." (Emphases mine.)
E-mail is fast, easy, and inexpensive to use. You can incorporate it into any fundraising campaign. So why aren't more non-pro?t organizations using email to reach their supporters?
Pamela Grow set out to find out what small nonprofit organizations were doing to collect e-mail addresses on their sites - and grow their online dollars.? What she had initially planned as a blog posting morphed into a 12-page report. What follows are some of the highlights from her report.
1. Locate an e-mail service provider.
If you're still sending bulk e-mails from Outlook or whatever e-mail program you use―stop! That's an easy way to get tagged as a spammer and then none of your e-mails will get through.
Nancy Schwartz' article, "5 Steps to Finding the Ideal Email Service Provider" can walk you through the process if you don't have an e-mail service provider or are thinking about switching to a new one. Among other factors, you'll want a service that's easy to use, with opt-in forms that you can customize, and that provides helpful customer service.